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Quaich is a Scots rendering of the Gaelic word "cuach"; meaning a cup.

Centuries ago they were built of wooden staves, and by the 17th century were often mounted in silver or entirely made from the metal.

Quaichs were used for whisky or brandy, and in the 19th century Sir Walter Scott dispensed drams in silver-inlaid quaichs, but the one he kept for himself was particularly precious to him. in 1745 it had travelled from Edinburgh to Derby with the Scottish Army in Bonnie Prince Charlie's canteen.

Its bottom was made of glass so that the drinker could keep watch on his companions.

A more romantic quaich had a double glass bottom in which was kept a lock of hair, so that the owner could drink to his lady love; and in 1589 King James VI of Scotland gave Anne of Norway a quaich or "loving cup" as a wedding gift.

Used for visitor's welcome or farewell cup by proud Clan Chiefs, worthy merchants or humble crofters, the quaich has kept its simple but beautiful shape and friendly purpose.

(Dieser Text stammt von der Verpackung eines Quaichs)

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http://www.stump.info/scottish/quaich.htm    Stand: 08.08.2000
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